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“According to a 2019 study
done by University of
Inclusion Initiative, female artists make up 12% of songwriters, which is a crazy low statistic. And women are too often pitted against each other whether we want to be or not. An event like this is us reclaiming our power and coming together to create something. My hope is that this event is just super fun for everyone who comes and maybe even becomes an inspiration for other females to join our ranks.

GCF was born to create  a community space where [female & non-binary] artists could come and feel comfortable to bare their souls and sing their hearts out, (and) the community could come together and have fun..."

- Pepper Kit (musician + mistressmind behind Girl Crush)

Gradient Background
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Poster (1).png
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Girl Crush Friday - Dec. 2023.png
girl crush friday (6).png

"The women of Girl Crush" logos designed by @jakpatart

Girl Talk

"The Barbie movie of Anchorage arts' events."

- Pepper Kit

"All are welcome (at Girl Crush Friday), and that’s beautiful. Alaska’s music scene is on its way up, and women are an integral part of it.”

- Karrie Pavish Anderson

Are you a female or femme-presenting artist or small business owner?

Contact Us

We'll be in touch soon!

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